BISC Mentor Program

BISC Mentor Program

About the Mentor Program

The Bus Industry Safety Council, (BISC), has formed a mentor program to help your company return to success with the resources you have available. We have assembled a cadre of dozens of mentors with decades of industry experience. These mentors run the gamut of experience as experts in regulatory compliance, safety and driver training, OSHA regulations, vehicle maintenance, security, HR as well as the day to day operations of a bus company. Although business may not be at the levels we are hoping for, the safety and security of our passengers will always be paramount for our industry. Staying ready for compliance reviews, OSHA audits, ADA requests for service, and the daily monitoring of our drivers and buses must continue.

Our industry professionals who serve as mentors are volunteering their time and experience to help any company that is in need of education, guidance, coaching or just to talk and reaffirm your teams that we are all in this together. BISC and its sister council the Bus Maintenance and Repair Council, (BusMARC), have provided a continuing educational series of topics throughout this past summer, fall and winter and will continue to support the industry. The mentor program is an extension of this education to provide a personalized look at the issues and concerns you face in your own operations, but is accessible on a day to day basis.

If you have any questions or are interested in learning more about the mentor program or want to request to be partnered with a mentor please sign up here or contact Mike McDonal at or Jeff Marley at directly.

Download a Mentor Application                                                         Download a Mentor Request Form

Meet Our Mentors

NameCompanyEmailPhoneIndustry Experience
Mike McDonalSaucon Technologiesmmcdonal@saucontech.com410-245-5525

 36 years

Jeff MarleyLancer  25 years
Greg HendricksSalt Lake Expressgreg.hendricks@saltlakeexpress.com208-201-3511 15 years
Alan SmithGreyhound Linesalan.smith@greyhound.com214-849-8225 27 years
Dan TomlinsonLancer Insurancedtomlinson@lancerinsurance.com516-325-8055 20 years
Pam MartinezDATTCOpamm@dattco.com860-250-5626 38 years
Jeff ShankerBlack Tie Transportationjeff@blacktietransportation.net609-802-7498 20 years
Dennis LyonsDATTCOdennis.lyons@dattco.com860-229-4878 30 years
Bob KaylorCoach USAbkaylor1323@gmail.com412-629-3265 46 years
Robert HittPrevostrobert.hitt@volvo.com254-289-1386 40 years
Chris CreanPeter Pan Bus Lineschris@peterpanbus.com413-781-2900 x1432 29 years
Tim BrewsterNational Interstate Insurancetimothy.brewster@natl.com800-929-1500 Ext. 572710 years
Jeremy StiehlNational Interstate InsuranceJeremy.stiehl@natl.com216-314-02066 years

Legal Disclaimer: All information provided under this mentor program is intended as guidance and is not a legal interpretation of any federal, state, or local laws, rules, or regulations applicable to your business. The ABA, BISC and each participating mentor expressly disclaims all liability to the fullest extent of the law with respect to actions taken or not taken based on information provided as part of the mentor program. 

The American Bus Association serves a thriving industry that provides nearly 600 million passenger trips annually on charters, tours, scheduled service, and shuttles. Membership in ABA includes motorcoach operators, tour operators, tourism-related organizations, and products and service suppliers.

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