Conversations That Matter

Webinar | September 7 | 2 - 3 p.m. ET

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Session Information

Track | Professional Development: Time Management

In today’s constant state of change, professionals who will thrive are those who are able to successfully navigate the potentially tumultuous terrain of simultaneously managing their managers and managing their teams. With a workforce experiencing elevated stress levels, increased agitation, and a strong sense of optimism about what tomorrow may bring, today’s leaders can be a major spark of inspiration, dedication, and consistency to those around them. Daily, yet strategic, conversations are a gateway into the psyche and heart of individual activity and performance, and the desired results of our conversations are determined by whether we use the right words, at the right time, in the right way, with the right people. This presentation will address five challenges that every manager will encounter and exactly how to have strategic conversations regarding each of these challenges: influence without authority; micromanagement; teamwork; internal drama; motivation. You will not only learn WHY these conversations are so effective, but you’ll also learn exactly HOW you need to phrase your conversations to maximize your results. As a manager, what you say and how you say it matters. Your conversations matter. It’s time to learn the secrets to have your conversations matter more.


Pete Smith

Stroke survivor and international speaker Pete Smith has helped individuals, teams, and organizations improve their leadership and personal growth for 25 years.    He is the author of Dare to Matter, the #1 Best Seller in the Human Resources and Personnel Management Category, and the #2 Best Seller in the Business Motivation and Self-Improvement category.    Lastly, Pete is the Co-Founder and Owner of Matter More Coffee, a coffee shop located in Hampstead, NC. The GRAND OPENING was held on March 11, 2020, just two days before the world shut down. However, MMC continues to thrive. By owning two businesses, SmithImpact and Matter More Coffee, Pete’s content is both practical and inspirational. (    From his early days of disappointing his parents by not pursuing law school, to excelling in various roles in eduction, sales, construction, and athletics, as well as his brief encounter with a near death experience (survived a stroke), Pete’s presentations are packed with humor, relevant and engaging stories, and practical application that the audience will love.



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