The New Way to Set Goals: Making The Most of Technology
Webinar | February 14 | 2 - 3 p.m. ET
Session Information
The New Way to Set Goals: Making The Most of Technology
Track | Business Strategies: Goal Setting
Finally, a way to plan your year, your career, and even your life that is flexible, visual, emotional, and portable. In this webinar you will learn how to take a whole-brained approach to goals that is leaps and bounds better than the traditional (and left-brained) way we planned in the past. We’ll use technology as a tool to blend images, numbers, words, actions, milestones, and rewards to create a powerful plan that can be viewed, reviewed, and shared on a smart phone.
The truth is we all know we should have written goals (and some do) but taking it to the next level like we do in this webinar puts you among a very elite few who take their success and happiness so seriously they embrace a system like this. The best part is it’s not hard to create, doesn’t take a ton of time, and can be as simple or elaborate as you want. What makes it so effective is it can be customized to match how you think, plan, and act.
Lee Silber
Lee Silber is an overachiever and credits his creation and dedication to a unique goal-setting system for his success as a best selling author and award winning speaker. In fact, when one of his former teachers learned Lee built a chain of action-sports retail stores from the ground up she said, “Never has one not my former students done so much… with so little.” Today, with 25 books to his credit, a popular podcast, and a busy speaking schedule Silber has decided to share his effective approach to goals with you in this webinar.
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